Sunday, April 15, 2007

Ack. Just found out Friday that Donald has to go to Birmingham in May for a week for work. His boss got promoted, so him and Jen are taking over the other lady's work, so they both have to go to Cisco to some training seminar to do the new work. While it's good for Donald....his employer investing $2000+ in training courses for him means they must like sucks for us because he'll be gone all week! I guess I shouldn't complain too much. I know some of you have hubbys that are gone for weeks at a time! I could never do it, not without family around. I'd go nuts!

1 comment:

Kelly said...

Yuck! I don't like it when David is gone either! Luckily though, when he goes to school all day on Monday we have my parents to invade! :) We always go to their house on Monday nights for supper. Just come on up here to Fulton while he's gone and we'll be your family! :)