Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Sometimes I think Donald tries to drive me crazy. Two things:

I think Donald likes it when I buy new clothes for Lauren, because he's been really good at ruining them lately. Over the weekend I was tutoring, so he took Lauren outside to play. He let her crawl all around the block with a brand new pair of pants on. He came back in and said, "I hope you didn't need these pants for anything, because they're kinda ruined now,". The knees on those poor pants were worn so thin, not to mention the mud that had been ground it. Yeah, bye bye pants.

Last night Donald was on dinner duty because I was tutoring again. He fed Lauren tortillini, which is her favorite, but let her eat it without a bib in a brand new outfit. If that wasn't bad enough, he kept the outfit on her for the rest of the night so the stains got a chance to set. Ugh! I buy Lauren pretty nice clothes because I can resell them when she's done with them and usually get back about what I paid for them. Can't do that if they're all stained up! I'm working on getting the spaghetti sauce out as we speak, but I dunno. MEN!

Finally, and the one that drives me most crazy - I make piles of stuff in the dining room. My dad's bills are in one pile, our bills in another pile, school stuff in a pile, you get the picture. Sometimes these piles are on the dining room table until I get to them. Sometimes I have papers in the living room that aren't in a pile because I haven't gotten to them yet. Nearly every day, Donald goes around and picks up the piles and throws everything on my desk. This is enough to drive me batty. Sometimes he just puts random stuff on my desk that he thinks I should do something with. Yesterday it was Lauren's jacket, Downy wrinkle releaser, and some CDs, plus the piles. So every night before I do my school work, I have to clean off my desk (because I CANNOT do work with my desk being a mess) before I get started. And I have to make my piles again. I've told him eighty times that this drives me nuts, I just don't think he gets it. We need a bigger house so I can have my piles in MY OWN ROOM!

Good thing he's cute....otherwise...I might kill him somedays.

1 comment:

Kelly said...

LOL this made me laugh. Not because you're so aggravated but because I know what you mean! :)