Sunday, March 11, 2007

We went to the Jackson zoo yesterday. We had a great time. This zoo leaves a lot to be desired, but well, whatever. Maybe I've just been spoiled by great zoos. Maybe it's just Mississippi. Whatever.

Lauren loved the animals. Her favorite, by far, was this tiny little bird that was all alone in a class cage thing. I can't remember its name, but it had long legs and a long beak. Anyway, we stood and watched it for a good ten minutes, and then I told her to say bye-bye to the bird, and she burst into tears. She also liked the chimps and the brown bear.

Even though we were at the zoo to see animals, we saw more people that deserved to locked in a zoo. There was one family that had two little kids standing next to us when we were watching the chimps. We were standing on a bridge, and under the bridge was a pond with some fish, birds, and turtles. The chimps had full access to the pond. Anyway, the older kid asked the dad if she could feed the animals some graham crackers, and the dad said yes! WTH?!? So, the kids took turns throwing graham crackers into the pond for the fish and turtles to eat. Ugh. The signs that say "Don't feed the animals" are there for a reason.

Not two minutes after this incident, there were two ladies with a little boy walking next to us. The boy was probaby 2 if I had to guess. The kid hit the mom in the leg, and the mom whacked him back and said "Don't hit!". Am I the only one that sees the irony in this? Somehow I'm thinking that hitting the kid isn't the best way to teach him to not hit. Whatever.

Anyway, here are some pics from the zoo.

Lauren wearing her zoo dress at home before she gets too messy.

Oooh! Here's the little bird I was talking about.
Don't feed me to the animals, mom!

Stopping for a drink.

We went to the Reservoir after the zoo to hang out. Here's Lauren watching the boats.

Posing for a picture.

Hey, lady, stop taking our picture!

1 comment:

Kelly said...

She is just a cutie pie! And I love that dress and hat she was wearing! We need to check out the Jackson Zoo. Have you ever been to the Zoo in Memphis, TN? I was wondering how they compared.