My Rooster rarely sits still. She is go, go, go from the minute she wakes up until she finally goes to sleep. That's why I haven't posted many pictures lately because she's never still enough for me to take any! I did manage a few last night -
We bought her a potty chair at Target the other day because she is so interested in Donald and I going to the bathroom. She loves sitting on it when we are in the bathroom and says, "Pee, pee, pee" over and over and over. She hasn't peed in the potty yet, but she has succeeded in peeing on the bathroom floor a few times! I'm really in no hurry to potty train, though - we will follow her lead and she'll let us know when she's ready.
She's also sleeping very well now. She still nurses to sleep, but she is in her own bed now (still in our room) and usually stays in her own bed and doesn't wake up at all until early morning. We need to work on the nursing to sleep thing, especially at nap time, since I will be student teaching in less than six months and she'll need to be able to get to sleep on her own by then. Speaking of nursing, she still loves it and doesn't seem to want to give it up any time soon. She's only nursing now in the morning as she wakes up, at nap time, and at bed time (and sometimes once after dinner). As she gets closer to 2, we will think more about weaning. Until then, she is happy and as long as she is happy, we are happy.
While she is definitely in the terrible toddler stage, she is still a good girl. She has her bad days, but they don't happen too often. I know her very well, and I can usually tell why she is upset and what needs to change to make her feel better. I know the days that I don't give her enough attention because she lets me know! I've really been trying to work less during the day and spend most of my time with her. She's only going to be little once :o)
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