Sunday, July 15, 2007

The Peeler is officially driving me crazy now. Damn toddlerhood. I'd been warned that 16-22 months was horrible, but jeez....

Today she would not stop biting me. Seriously. She wasn't biting hard enough to hurt, and I think she was just trying to play, but it's still a no-no. Every time she'd bite me, I look her straight in the eyes and say, "No biting. Biting hurts mommy," and plop her on her chair. In three seconds, she'd be right back up, running over to me and putting her teeth on me again, laughing as soon as I plopped her back on her chair. Eyeyeyeye.

The child is just so uncivilized. Hahaha. I know that that's the way she's supposed to be right now, like a little caveman, but that doesn't make it any more fun to live with. We were eating popcorn tonight, and she just put her hand in the bowl and went crazy, splattering popcorn all over. She's also figured out the "limp baby" technique in where if she doesn't want to do something she just goes limp and collapses on the floor.

We may all survive this year in one piece....or we may not....

1 comment:

Kelly said... doesn't get better...just worse! Sorry to disappoint you! :)