Thursday, February 08, 2007

My dad is back in California now, and I'm so jealous! For this contract he is in Santa Barbara and is living in a condo right on the beach! I would really like to get out to visit him this spring, but with the cruise and all, I don't think we can afford it. Maybe he'll take another contract there and I can go this summer.

Lauren really bonded with grandpa over the last week. For the first nine months of her life, she did not like him at all. If he even looked at her, she would burst out in tears. She loved her grampy this time, though. I'm glad she was asleep when we dropped him off at the airport because I think she would have cried when he went "bye-bye"!

Unfortunately I didn't take any pictures of them together, so I don't have any to post! Silly mama.

1 comment:

Kelly said...

Aww, that's good that she liked him better this time. I bet next time he comes back it won't take her long to warm up to him.