Thursday, February 01, 2007

The Mommy High and Withdrawl

Somedays things just go right. Lauren is in a good mood, I am in a good mood, and we connect. Yesterday was one of those days. I was experiencing a "mommy high".

Yesterday Lauren was the baby I love to love. I love her everyday, of course, but there are some days when I just look at her and melt. I've been teaching her body parts lately (thanks for the suggestion, Kelly!), and for the past week she's been getting them right around 50% of the time. Yesteday, every time I asked her she'd grin and point to the right part. She was so giggly and cuddly yesterday. We chased bubbles, ate pizza, and read books. I loved being her mommy and was on a mommy high.

Today was the complete opposite. I couldn't do anything to make the girl happy. She woke me up two hours early and was then naughty all day long - grabbing, hitting, throwing tantrums, etc. By dinner time, I was ready to put her outside for the night. I was having mommy high withdrawls. I simply could not wait for her to go to bed so I could regain some sanity.

I hope Lauren gives this mommy some good drugs tomorrow so I can have more mommy high. Withdrawl sucks and the kid never gives in!

1 comment:

Kelly said...

Haha, I know EXACTLY what you're talking about!!!Maybe she'll be better today!