Sunday, February 18, 2007

Well, we didn't get much accomplished this weekend. Friday night just set the mood. My dad called me around 8:30, with news that an ambulance was on the way to take him to the hospital. He was feeling dizzy and lightheaded and knew something was wrong, and didn't think he could drive himself there. He turned up being dehydrated, and after 4 Liters of IV fluid, he was feeling much better. When he was home, the doctor upped his blood pressure medicine, and it contains a diuretic, and he wasn't taking in enough fluid. They kept him a few hours, and he's fine now. Made me worry though!!

Saturday we were planning on taking Lauren to the pet store to look at the animals, but she passed out in her stroller on the way there. We ended up stopping at Target and spending money, of course. I hate Target. We also went to Belk and I found a few things for the cruise for cheap, so that was good. Also found a pair of awesome Rocket Dogs, but they didn't have my size. I cried a little inside.

Today we just lounged around. Did our weekly swim tonight, and chatted with a professor from Tougaloo College that lives in our complex. Also got the laundry put away, which is a bigger accomplishment that it sounds.

I just realized this is excruciatingly boring. Enough now.

1 comment:

Kelly said...

Sorry, what are Rocket Dogs? And no, it's not boring, it gives me something to do. Keep writing please :)