Tuesday, January 09, 2007

As a part of our New Years Resolutions, we enacted a new household rule - no TV or computers between 5-10 PM. Donald and I were both having some serious screen addiction, and neither of us like Lauren watching TV, so we decided to shut 'em off. This, perhaps, explains why, at 8 PM tonight, we were at the park using Donald's new metal detector.

Donald started talking about how he wanted to go "treasure hunting" with a metal detector a few weeks ago. I told him that when I saved up enough of my eBay money, I'd buy him one. Turns out I had a good week last week, so he got his new Garrett Ace 250 in the mail yesterday. Of course he wanted to try it out right away, so he dug a few holes in the yard last night, but didn't find anything.

So, tonight, as I'm putting away the laundry, Donald sneaks in and says he wants to go to the park. We all got dressed and we went. The first hole we dug, we found nothing. We eventually decided that it was probably too close to the swingset, and that the detector was just picking up the metal from the poles. We found another spot and dug for what seemed forever. Finally, we found a penny. Whoohoo!

We stayed out for about an hour, and ended up finding three pennies, a dime, a washer, two nails, and two pieces of gum wrapper. This, my friends, is how exciting my life has become.

1 comment:

Kelly said...

Good luck with the New Years Resolution! I don't know if I could do that...all my favorite shows come on between 7 and 10. That's really good though.

Hey, sounds exciting to me to go metal detecting! At least you are 13 cents richer! :)