Lauren found a pacifier somewhere last night (buried in her toybox, I think), and has been chewing/sucking on it since. When she was younger I was dead set against giving her a paci, and the only reason we had one around is because we got some from her baby shower. I told Donald I was going to throw it away because I really don't want her getting attached to the thing now, since she's never had one before. He said that she's just chewing on it and to leave her be, but I think she is sucking on it. She had it in her mouth today and I snapped a picture, hopefully the only one we'll ever have with the damn thing in her mouth.
This whole paci thing would be inconseqential if not for the fact that it could be a useful tool in my battle to take back my nights. Lauren has always had a habbit of waking up several times before I come into bed, and she needs to be nursed back to sleep every time. This wouldn't be a big deal if I had nothing to do at night, but unfortunately I have school work, eBay, and now a job to do at night. Donald is going to have to help out more at night, and this is going to include bedtime and beyond. Anyway, I decided to give the paci thing a go tonight, and so far it has worked like a charm. I nursed her almost to sleep, then unlatched and stuck the thing in her mouth, and she's been asleep ever since. It could be a coincidence, but I'm thinking not. Ugh, I really, really hate pacifiers, but I guess if it helps her sleep at night, I might consider giving in. But only at night. Otherwise I'd have to hate myself.
Hey, don't hate yourself. I love the pacifier, to a certain extent. With Olivia..I weaned her from the bottle with it, and then when I thought she was ready I took it away. It was kinda hard, but didn't take but a day or two. Now I'm weaning Madison from the bottle with a paci. I don't care what anyone says. If it works, it works. And I don't mind if she still wants to suck on something after the bottle. When I feel that she's ready to give it up...I'll "help" her. I don't agree with letting kids keep them til they're 2 or 3 years old. But I don't think it hurts when they're still 1. I took Olivia's away probably about 4 months before she turned 2. It works fine for me! :) But that's just my opinion. Don't hate yourself b/c you want to sleep. All ppl need sleep! :)
Hey, plus they're so cute with a paci don't you think? I mean, look at that face! :)
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