Monday, May 21, 2007

I guess it's been just a few days since I've updated. We've been busy around here!

Dad got in Thursday afternoon so we spent the rest of the day re-organizing his room and closet. Friday we did lots of running around which included trips to Walgreens, the dry cleaners, the DMV (or whatever it's called here), Big Lots, Marshall's, Mazio's (gotta eat), and a furniture store. That was exhausting. Lauren was a really good sport about all of it, too. We spent Saturday trying to get more than one computer hooked up to the internet, but failed. Sunday a friend of dad's came over to work on it and failed too. I called Comcast about the situation today and apparently we need some sort of disk for the other computers. Will pick that up tomorrow. Today Lauren and I went to Walgreens and Wal-Mart for various things. Tomorrow we have playgroup. I also need to go grocery shopping one of these days!

Dad bought a new laptop so he gave us his "old" one. The old one is a Dell and is not even a year old, but it is a piece of crap. The wireless card isn't working for some reason, so we'll have to get that fixed. I don't know what the deal with it is, but once we get it fixed it will be great to have around! Then we'll have 3 computers...just what we need!

In kid news, Lauren is walking really well now. She even tries to run, but that doesn't work out so well. She's also talking up a storm. Some of her new words are kitty, toes, moon, daddy, ears, eyes, book, ball, and baby. She knows most of her body parts (head, ears, eyes, mouth, chin, tummy, knees, and toes) and lots of animal noises (cow says moo, dog says woof, kitty says meow, sheep says baa, horse says neigh, snake says sssss, and monkey says ooo ooo).

She's driving me nuts with the tantrums, though. If I take something away, all hell breaks loose. She's started biting, too. I think she does it to try to be funny, but it hurts! Darn kid. On the up side, she's sleeping VERY well now. I put her to bed at nine and she doesn't wake up until I come in around 1 or 2. I bet if our bed wasn't so creaky she'd sleep till morning.

Speaking of the bed situation, when my dad leaves this time we're putting her in her own twin. I'm just not getting much sleep with her kicking me all night. We'll keep her bed in our room for a while though, until we're sure that she's okay with it. I have to get her sleeping on her own by January when I start working. Bleh.

Okay, guess that's it for now. I have to start working on my Philosophy of Teaching. Fun times.

1 comment:

Kelly said...

I understand the tantrums! We have quite alot of those here too!

Good luck moving her into her own bed. It's hard when they've slept with you. At least it was a hard transition for Olivia.