Thursday, May 10, 2007

I'm starting to think about student teaching and getting NERVOUS!!! I start in January, which is coming up faster than I thought. I have to have my application completed by the end of the month, which includes an autobiography, philosophy of teaching, resume, and various other things. I know it sounds bad, but I've always been good at most things I try, and I'm really scared that I won't be "good" at teaching. I know that no teacher is perfect, but darn it I want to be a good teacher! Hopefully I don't screw up too much :o)

In other news, we've definately entered the realm of "toddler" around here. Everything is a crisis to Lauren. She had 4 tantrums today - and today was a good day. Some of the problem is that we haven't babyproofed well enough, and she is into everything, which results in me taking lots of things away from her. The kid can seriously reach everything in the house. Tonight I was drinking a can of soda and I wouldn't give her any and she did NOT like that one bit. She flung herself on the ground and just wailed. It's going to be a long two years.

Donald gets home tomorrow night - yippie!! I'm going crazy around here. He's my entertainment :o)

1 comment:

Kelly said...

Haha I know exactly what you mean with the tantrums.

I'm sure you'll be a great teacher! Do you know where you'll be student teaching?