Friday, May 25, 2007

My interview for Kaplan yesterday went really well. The center manager just asked about 5-6 pretty general interview questions. The training class should start in the next month or two. He said right now he just has me and one other person, so he has to wait for a few more people before he can open a class. I'm fine with waiting because this wasn't really something I was looking for in the first place.

I also have two other "projects" that I want to get started on that I think have great potential! One is writing an e-book and the other is building a website and possibly a blog to go along with it. I'm hoping that I can get them started this year and then "give" them to Donald and let him work on them. I already have too many projects!

We're not doing too much this weekend for Memorial Day. Dad said something about a cookout in Hattiesburg on Monday with one of the girls he works with, but we'll see. Anyone have anything fun planned?

1 comment:

Kelly said...

That's great that your class went well! It sounds really interesting. What are you writing an e-book about?